The Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire Fallen Firefighter Family Fund (The 4F Fund) was established in 2002 after receiving a $500 donation from the Mr. Tux Company, after they raised monies for September 11th and donated the monies to the FDNY funds, and felt they should do something similar locally. The 4F fund was then established so that in the event of a Line of Duty Death, the PFFNH could provide immediate assistance to the family. Additionally, these funds are used to send the family to see their loved one's name go on the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial in Colorado Springs and to provide a Christmas gift to the children, so they are not forgotten. The Fund is registered with the state of NH as a charitable trust and has received 501(c) 3 status from the Internal Revenue Service. In September of 2003, we had our first golf tournament with the proceeds going to the 4F Fund, and this event has become an annual tournament, that quickly sells out each year. For more information on the 4F Fund please call Secretary-Treasurer John McAllister at 603-223-3304.
Page Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 (13:53:54)